It's a wrap for 2021! Next: Mystery Boxes and some rest

It's a wrap for 2021! Next: Mystery Boxes and some rest

Posted by Misa on 8th Dec 2021

Hi everyone!
I'm finally semi-recovered from a very long weekend. I am so unfit, but I pretty much ached all long and by the end of everything, I was just exhausted haha.

I had a fantastic time at The Cannery Markets Rosebery - to the point that my 2ply mask stock was dwindling dangerously low. By the time I got to The Coal Loader Artisans and finished up, I had a grand total of just 1 mask left, which is an incredible achievement for me!

Thank you to everyone who came to visit, show support, and purchased gifts - I really wasn't expecting to end my Christmas campaign so early, but it was great to see that it was about right, as I was running low on stock and as I was starting to get burnt out, it was probably a good time to call it a year and have a solid break.

It has been an incredible almost-9 months. I didn't expect to make it this far, and I can only hope for better things to come.

A few things - I'm fiddling around with the website a little to shrink my top menu categories as much as possible to reduce clutter. I am going to introduce at least 2 new product types to the shop in the coming months. I'm not too sure if I should just clump it under "Jewellery" and "Textiles" - a bit vague, right? I don't really want so many different categories, but this is proving a bit of a challenge.

More mystery box details are starting to come to life. I'm waiting on parts (forever waiting for parts), and I'm anxiously also looking forward to markets and pop ups in January 2022.

In the next week or so I'm going to slowly upload some goodies that didn't sell during the weekend to the website - but again, I am trying to see what kind of categories I can name these. I am aware for my followers and those familiar with me that it's very clear, but for first time visitors, it might be a bit tricky to understand.

Anyway, let's do this!
